Please keep an eye out for an email from Simon about the next steps. He will reach out to you and may schedule a quick 5 minute call with you to get to know you better first.

Here’s What Some Of Our Members Have To Say

Jared Crebs (San Antonio, Texas)

Full time leader

Simon has helped me the most because of the weekly callsthat they do every Mondays.

I talked to Simon himself all about my business.

We talk about our business. We have a whiteboard, we talk about situations, situational leadership systems, things that need to be changed, things that need to be improved.

It's like having a consultant right in my own office, guiding me and helping me become the best that I can be.

It's truly priceless.

Josie Tong (Melbourne, Australia)

6 Figure Earner

You never know what happens when suddenly, God puts you in that path because you're meant to have that person help you in life. And so I saw Simon's YouTube videos and I saw some of his blogs.

When his mastermind started, I actually reached out to him. And so that was the big breakthrough for me, because I didn't have an upline that was showing me the way.

I think my evolution, my development was through the mastermind, advanced mastermind. So I'm a graduate of the advanced mastermind. I'm so glad I spent years into that because OF Simon's coaching and, and really for him to be really kicking you in the butt.

You know, I remember a lot of times when I'd say, Simon, I don't think I'll do this. And he'd go, you are so weak, Josie, you know? So really he helped me to develop toughness, that no BS attitude. And I'm really so glad that I have been part of that.

I really highly recommend it because I know that I owe how I developed, to become the leader that I am from Simon. So, really grateful.

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